| Kemo Alquimista |

What's in a name?
Kemo - abreviatura de kemosabe, a palavra apache para "aquele que possuí muito conhecimento"... ou não, who knows?
Alquimista - aquele que procura mais e melhor, conhecimento, vivência, momentos e experiência. E um livro que mudou a minha perspectiva da vida...
So welcome to the jungle, we've got fun n games!

11 May 2007

You know who you are

To Whom It May Concern,

Numa busca de inspiração para mergulhar num exercício criativo e literário que há muito queria (re)fazer, "saiu-me" este "aglomerado de palavras":

"When I finally understood that speaking Portuguese would be amazing because I could use the word "saudade", I certainly wasn't made aware that 25 years later I would miss someone's eyes and smile so strongly and much more intensely than the meaning of "saudade" will ever accomplish...
Maybe in another lifetime, in a distant planet, they'll come up with a stronger word so I can tell you exactly what I feel for you every morning, or then again, maybe in that lifetime I won’t have to feel this way because we’re together…but..oh oh…that time they’ll have to come up with a stronger word to mean “I love you” because that one won’t be enough…"

Espero que vos dê tanto gosto ler como a mim me deu... aperceber que o escrevi :)


  • At 8:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Gostei! E muito!
    Para além de um homem inteligente, és também um homem com sentimentos profundos, e melhor, verbalizas esses sentimentos.

  • At 8:31 pm, Blogger Filipe Feio said…

    "Creation seems to come out of imperfection. It seems to come out of a striving, and a frustration. And this is where I think language came from. I mean, it came from our desire to transcend our isolation and have some sort of connection with one another. And it had to be easy when it was just simple survival. Like, you know, "water". We came up with a sound for that. Or... "Saber-toothed tiger right behind you". We came up with a sound for that. But when it gets really interesting, I think, is when we use that same system of symbols to communicate all the abstract and intangible things that we're experiencing. What is, like, frustration? Or what is anger or love? When I say "love", the sound comes out of my mouth and it hits the other person's ear, travels through this Byzantine conduit in their brain, you know, through their memories of love or lack of love, and they register what I'm saying and they say yes, they understand. But how do I know they understand? Because words are inert. They're just symbols. They're dead, you know? And so much of our experience is intangible. So much of what we perceive cannot be expressed. It's unspeakable. And yet, you know, when we communicate with one another, and we feel that we have connected, and we think that we're understood, I think we have a feeling of almost spiritual communion. And that feeling might be transient, but I think it's what we live for." (Kim Krizan in Waking Life)

    Aqui: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6Ee9mW9IG8

    Abraço, meu caro...

  • At 11:35 pm, Blogger kemo said…


    Obrigado. Sem arrogência, sem qualquer noção de superioridade, confesso com alguma tristeza que preferia que o mundo fosse todo mais assim como me descreves... profundo, sentido, sincero.


  • At 11:37 pm, Blogger kemo said…


    Acho que nunca te agradeci o suficiente por me teres apresentado esse filme. Por me teres "convidado" a vê-lo, a revê-lo, a analisá-lo e a senti-lo. Se há filme que possa mudar a vida de alguém, criando caos, mudança e inspiração é este.

    Obrigado meu caro.

    PS - Claro que ter encontrado o mesmo a 5€ no Lidl depois de a FNAC mo querer encomendar e vender por 35€ tem o seu gostinho! hahaha


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