| Kemo Alquimista |

What's in a name?
Kemo - abreviatura de kemosabe, a palavra apache para "aquele que possuí muito conhecimento"... ou não, who knows?
Alquimista - aquele que procura mais e melhor, conhecimento, vivência, momentos e experiência. E um livro que mudou a minha perspectiva da vida...
So welcome to the jungle, we've got fun n games!

16 March 2007

Simple hein?

To Whom It May Concern,

"It's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you're not."
André Gide (1869-1951)
French author
Winner of the Nobel Prize - 1947.

Someone who didn't give a rat's ass about everyone else's opinions. Or then again, maybe someone who knew exactly what everyone else's opinions were all about...


  • At 4:29 am, Blogger Carrie said…

    Opinions are all about... B.S.

    Missed your posts, missed uyour comments.

    (amanhã elaboro mais. Domingo n é dia de blog ;) )


  • At 10:32 pm, Blogger kemo said…

    Hi Carrie,

    "How you doin'?" - Joey from FRIENDS-style ;)

    But isn't BS just so shitty! But honestly? We all do it! hehe.

    Excepto as raparigas, as raparigas não fazem "cócó" mas isso é uma teoria muito minha... não interessa...

    Miss your blog. Missed having you around as well! And ask you this: "Is it possible to miss something that I haven't yet lived?" Catch my hint? ;)

    Até hoje então! E escrevam no vosso... please... there's like a whole fan club dying (virtually) here...hehehe

    Bjs e see u around!

  • At 8:31 am, Blogger Carrie said…

    Could I BE any more tired? - Chandler style (my favourite).

    Antes demais devo dizer que as meninas não fazem cócó, fazem chocapic. TODA a gente sabe.

    About your hint... I do catch it. That's the good (and bad) about the internet.

    O nosso blog amanhã anda p a frente. Estamos todas com... "chatices" que no têm impedido a veia criativa, mas isso tem de passar!

    "bjs e see u around"?? U wouldn't know me if you did see me around, would u? u'd only know drangon... And the one time i thought i did see u, i guess i was wrong.

    Was i really? Huuuummmmm....... (digo eu coçando o nariz)

    How do u picture carrie? I wonder.

    Don't die one us, virtual friend. Please don't.

    Bjs e até amanhã,

  • At 10:09 am, Blogger kemo said…


    It just sounds stupid saying Chandler is my favourite one as well (Oh my God Chandler Biiinggg ha ha ha haaaaa - Janice!) now that you said it...so I won't say it.

    Sobre a questão de vocês serem "cereal-killers" nem vou comentar. Primeiro porque ainda tenho lagrimas nos olhos de rir, e segundo porque o que EU sei é que é impossível. Vocês chegam, sentam-se, imaginam, e tipo ja está... algo perfumado, assim tipo caixinha, inexplicável...nada mais.

    Sorry but in some cases its just bad... your call. You have the means.

    You go blogfriends! (Queen Latifa style).

    No I wouldn't know you. No I won't be seeing you around. Yes I would recognize Dragon although she's been missing. No it wasn't me.

    Carrie is a female caucasian, aproximately 26 years old, suffers from "hipertricose auricular e nasal" (google it), weighs approximately 92kgs, is 1m45 by 1m10 (natação...), is addicted to TV series, believes in Fado, Destiny, Serendipity and Pink Love. Would love to have met Gandhi. Has freckles. The suspect is armed and should be considered extremely dangerous. Her most fierce weapon? Chocapic cereals... good luck men!

    I will survive hey hey! La la la la laaaaa!

    Thank-you ladies and gentleman, hoped you enjoyed the show, I'll be here all week :)


    PS - Respondi a todas sua PIDE-sca? ;)

  • At 9:15 pm, Blogger Carrie said…

    Hello sweet pants! (soooo Chandler style) ahahahahaah 10 pontos para mim.

    Are we actually having a conversation via comments???? Is this even normal? I'm new at this, please clarify.

    Aposto que és daqueles namorados que não divide casa de banho com namorada. Am i right? I bet i am.

    Bem, Pide ou não Pide, i wonder: how do u think u know who/how dragon is/looks like?

    E agora.... 92 kgs?????? 1, 45m por 1,10m??? Tudo o resto, ainda vá que não vá... Mas 92 kgs??? Eu ainda não tinha tido que sou uma princesa?? Já alguma vez viste uma princesa obesa?? Sim, agora deve haver, with all that politically correctness stuff, mas ainda assim...

    I should go back to work.... not in the mood.

    Hasta la vista baby
    I'll be back! (the mayor of California style)

  • At 9:51 pm, Blogger Carrie said…

    Did i say mayor?? Did i??
    Governor. My bad.


  • At 9:57 pm, Blogger kemo said…


    Uhhhhhhh, we're in for a mano-a-mano, a petit tête-a-tête, a shakedown on FRIENDS quotes? ;)

    Baby, I'm sorry but regarding our different levels of FRIENDS knowledge...where I'm clearly superior! hehe:

    "Vincent: It's not. It's the same ballpark.
    Jules: Ain't no fuckin' ballpark neither. Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but, you know, touchin' his wife's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her Holiest of Holies, ain't the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Look, foot massages don't mean shit."

    Don't love this either. Talking in front of all these people... I have no more ideas (than email, hi5, messenger, etc..hehe)and the truth is, between this and nothing? Definetely this! hehe

    Uma coisa é intimidade higiénica, outra coisa é intimidade "sexual"... mas empresto a minha escova de dentes às minhas "mais-que-tudo", quando as tenho... lol

    Trust me, I know how Dragon looks like, all I had was to join the dots, follow a "HI", a virtual path, and in "5" steps I found out ;)

    I'm sorry milady, your highness, but the truth is it isn't really that important. And how do YOU know how I look like? ;)

    Felizmente estou no dia calmo... hehe.

    Beijinhos e "I'll be back in 2 shakes of a Lamb's tail"


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